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This page is for Room! See also: Areas, Locations

Rooms are the levels that the player traverses while climbing The Clocktower in Revita. There are at least 16 rooms per Area, including the starting and ending room. These rooms are also referred to as floors in the game.

Spr items 36.png Gameplay

There are many different types of rooms, but the player is guaranteed to find 12 enemy encounters (unless changed by the Expanded shard modifier, Rusted Shovel, or Shining Shovel), which all have their own layout due to procedural generation. Special rooms can be entered by conquering a room filled with enemies and walking through the entrance. Some special rooms are locked and cost a Key to enter.

In every area there are at least four special rooms that are guaranteed to appear in no particular order: A secret room, a super secret room, the boss room, and a large chest room (unless the area is affected by the Chestless shard modifier). Mother Statues appear in every area except for Lost Refuge and any area that is affected by the Secluded Statues shard modifier. The Merchant's shop appears in all areas excluding Hollow Hives, Calm Caldarium, Lost Refuge, and any area affected by the Sold Out shard modifier.

Spr items 23.png Special Room List

Name Icon Description
Starting Room

The first room encountered when starting a run or entering an area. The The Hero will appear in this room to offer you a Miniboss encounter, and the (shortcut npc) will allow you to use a shortcut here.

Boss Room Room-icon-boss.png

The room that houses the area's boss, the penultimate floor of any area that has one. The boss fight is required, and on defeat provides access the the final room and the Metro.

Miniboss Room-icon-miniboss.png

A room that contains a Crowned Enemy. Minibosses added by Shards or an area's natural progression will not drop Relics, but Minibosses added by The Hero will drop relics. An area may have more than one Miniboss, as the Shards, Areas, and The Hero can stack.

Lost Soul Room Room-icon-lostsoul.png

Any Lost Soul Room will contain a soul that can be interacted with. Upon doing so, a new character is unlocked and will start appearing, either in The Metro or in The Clocktower.

Secret Room Room-icon-secretroom.png

Secret Rooms are detected by hitting walls while enemies are still present in the room. They contain a variety of loot or interactables. One of the three beehives can be found in Gazing Grove.

Super Secret Room Room-icon-secretroom.png

Super Secret Rooms behave similarly to normal Secret Rooms, with the key difference being the way they are detected. Unlike Secret Rooms, they do not lower the music or light up when hit. Instead, the bullets visibly break before coming in contact with the wall, and play the enemy damage sound rather than the normal sound of hitting tiles with bullets.

Frog King Room Room-icon-secretroom.png

A Super Secret Room containing the royal Frog King found in the room prior to Anger in the Fungated Funnels and Depression in the Calm Caldarium. The room is indicated by a Frog critter, this one being pink. If the Pink Frog critter does not appear, the Frog King cannot be accessed. The Pink Frog critter only appears if you made it to the room without scaring away any frogs. The room must be revealed while enemies are still present, just like any other secret room. For more information on Frog critters and the Frog King, check their respective page.

Eye Room Room-icon-secretroom.png

A regular Secret Room found in Fungated Funnels. The background of this room features peculiar markings, being an eye with five connections flowing to it, and five panels below. Each panel represents a Shard number that a run must be completed on, being 8, 3, 12, 3, 8. With each consecutive completion, the respective connection is illuminated. After all five runs are done in order, the text "They are always watching/nothing escapes their gaze" appears on the following run. Note that all five runs can be finished after Acceptance and will still count.

Mirror Room Room-icon-mirrorroom.png

A massive, reflective mirror spans this room. You can even see yourself! This room replaces the Secret Room in Arid Athenaeum, but still includes the standard rewards. Idling in front of the mirror for a moment while carrying Reflection will shatter the Mirror, consuming Reflection and dropping Mirror Shard.

Sacrifice Room Room-icon-motherstatue.png

Allows the player to sacrifice hearts for a relic. Contains Soul Torches when unlocked for that area. Refusing to spend health at the statue will guarantee a Curse Chest in the Boss Room. Checking the statue's offers without spending health will still allow the chest to appear.

Cursed Sacrifice Room Room-icon-motherstatue.png

Allows you to gain Curses to receive Relics in the same fashion as a normal Sacrifice Room. The rarity of the relic increases with each curse, one being a Common, two being Rare, and all three being Legendary. This is encountered after using a Corrupted Rift, and an expansion allows it to appear outside of them.

Hollow Hives Sacrifice Room Room-icon-motherstatue.png

A Bee themed Goddess statue offers you a choice between two free Relics. Skipping both items will grant the Curse Chest in the Boss Room like usual. This room replaces the Sacrifice Room in the Hollow Hives.

Calm Caldarium Sacrifice Room Room-icon-motherstatue.png

A Water themed Goddess statue allows you to spend your health in exchange for Relics. Unlike a normal Sacrifice Room, the health you spend determines the quantity of Relics, instead of only dropping one. The Relics that will drop are not shown to you until the health is spent. This room replaces the Sacrifice Room in Calm Caldarium.

Golden Rift Sacrifice Room Room-icon-motherstatue.png

A Sacrifice Room containing a Mimic rather than the Goddess Statue. Fighting the Mimic and collecting any Relic it drops will still allow the Cursed Big Chest to appear before the boss. This room replaces the Sacrifice Room after entering a Golden Rift.

Merchant Room-icon-shop.png

The room that the Merchant NPC has set up shop in. Shops contain a few purchasable Relics and Pickups, alongside plenty of interactables unlocked with expansions. On-sale items can be stolen if grabbed with the Scorpio Hook. The shop in Gazing Grove does not require a Key to enter, unlike the other Shops.

Cursed Merchant Room-icon-curseshop.png

Replaces the shop in the current area with one that functions similarly, but the relics and pickups are paid for by collecting Curses. The Cursed Shop is encountered after using a Corrupted Rift.

Black Market

Replaces the shop with a Hidden Market, signified at the beginning of the area by the text (put the level feeling text here). This shop contains six items by default, which can cost health, max health, or apply curses. Interactables like the Restock Machine, Vending Machine, Heart Machine, etc, cannot appear. The Black Market is consistently encountered by not entering three shops, and an expansion allows it to occasionally replace the shop. Note that randomly appearing Black Markets seem to still announce themselves at the start of the area.

Large Chest Room Room-icon-bigchest.png

Spawns a chest of any rarity. Rarely contains a Mimic instead, which drops a relic on defeat. Mimics can be detected by landing a hit on the chest.

Small Chest Room Room-icon-smallchest.png

Spawns a small chest or a few pickups.

Observatory Room-icon-observatory.png

Gives the player a Celestial Weapon.

Challenge Room Room-icon-challenge.png

Interacting with the monument prompts you to begin a challenge, which on completion may drop Relics or Pickups. Challenges create waves of enemies in the room that must be fought, sometimes with an additional requirement. These include avoiding damage, defeating enemies quickly, or defeating a certain amount of enemies. Failing a requirement will instantly end the challenge, and you won't receive any rewards. They do not require a key to enter.

Cat Room Room-icon-statswap.png

Provides you with the choice of increasing a random stat at the cost of lowering another. The increasing stat is indicated by the leftmost icon with the upwards blue arrow, and the decreasing stat is indicated by the rightmost icon with the downwards red arrow.

Fortuna Room-icon-chestgame.png

Home of Fortuna, who offers you a selection of three small chests, allowing you to select one for a chance to win a prize.

Corrupted Room Room-icon-devilstatue.png

A Devil Statue offers you a free cursed relic.

Giant Room Room-icon-relicchoice.png

The Giant offers you a selection of two relics in exchange for a heart.

Chef Chariot Room-icon-chefroom.png

Chef Chariot grants you a food related restorative pickup for free. These are the same Pickups granted by a Shrine of Harvest.

Keydiot Room-icon-keydiot.png

A shop in which two relics can be purchased for keys. The shopkeeper, Keydiot, will drop a key after shaken enough.

Cartographer Room-icon-cartographer.png

The Cartographer can be interacted with here, giving you the choice of adding a few more floors and a special room to the following area.

Collector Room-icon-collector.png

The Collector will trade higher rarity Relics at the cost of multiple lower rarity Relics, offering a rare relic at the cost of two common relics, and a Legendary relic at the cost of three rare relics. When giving up relics, you are given a selection of two random relics, allowing you to select the one to remove in each pair.

Priestess Room-icon-priestess.png

For the cost of one Heart, the Priestess will remove your choice of a random curse when provided with two options. This can be done multiple times.

Lucky Well Room-icon-luckywell.png

Allows you to upgrade a relic of your choosing once. There is a small chance to lose the relic instead.

Hotspring Room Room-icon-fountain.png

Standing in the water will heal all of your missing health over time. It will not heal partially complete heart containers, damaged shields, corrupted health, or your soulbar.


A room containing 2-3? interactables, like Vending Machines, Claw Machines, Health Machines, and Chance Machines. Disabled expansions that add interactables will still appear here.

Metro Smith

The Metro Smith is found in the Metro after Gazing Grove, Fungated Funnels, Arid Athenaeum, Forgotten Station and Somber Sepulcher. The Metro Smith will upgrade your Relics at the cost of Max Health, or with Relic Hammers if you have any. The same room contains the Blacksmith's Apprentices, which can scrap a relic of yours to return a Relic Hammer.

Metro Merchant

The Metro Merchant is found in the Metro after Hollow Hives and Calm Caldarium. The Merchant will sell two rare Relics for the cost of one Max HP. The Blacksmith's Apprentices do not appear here. The Metro Merchant will appear after Gazing Grove if you enter the Metro without any relics.

Crystal Heart Room Room-icon-crystalheart.png

A special room gated behind a door made of some Lucent substance in Hollow Hives. Entering this room at full health, regardless of Max Health or Shields, will drop a Key Piece. The room can be entered on Shard 5 and higher.

Void Heart Room Room-icon-voidheart.png

A special room gated behind a door made of some Lucent substance in Calm Caldarium. Entering this room at one health or less, regardless of Max Health or Shields, will drop a Key Piece. This room can be entered on Shard 5 and higher. Dropping to low health can be consistently achieved by using the Calm Caldarium Sacrifice Room, which will always appear prior.

Reflection Room Room-icon-motherstatue.png

A quiet corridor found in the Forgotten Station.

Bedroom Room-icon-oldphoto.png

A glitchy bedroom found in the Ticking Tower Top. It contains the Old Photograph and a Bedroom Chest. Opening the chest requires the assembled Key, the same Key used to open the locked door for the very first time. This door is open on all future visits, and requires Shard 5 or higher to enter.

Loop Lord Room Room-icon-secretroom.png

Interacting with the Loop Lord in the center of the room allows you to give up Boss Mementos. The Loop Lord will accept one from every boss, and this can be done across multiple runs. Once one of every Memento is granted, the Loop Lord relocates from Last Refuge to the corridor after Engima and Acceptance on Shard 5 or higher, allowing you to Loop. This secret (super secret?) room stops appearing after Looping is unlocked.

Prism Room Room-icon-secretroom.png

A strange lab room with four terminals and a pedestal in Last Refuge. Completing the puzzle requires a fully upgraded Mirror Shard, now a Mirror Prism, and the Broken Pocketwatch. The Mirror Prism is placed on the center vice, and the Broken Pocketwatch tooltip will reveal the order in which you need to interact with the terminals. Doing so consumes the Mirror Prism and grants the Void Prism. The Broken Pocketwatch is not consumed.

Void Intermission Room

Every five floors in The Void, a room without an enemy encounter appears, including the first floor. It always contains a large crystal that can be broken for Soul Coin and Materials. On Void - 20, this crystal is replaced by one of the Lost Notes.