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Health 4000
Found In Ticking Tower Top
Title The Guardian of The Tower
Memento Acceptance's Memento
Relevant Secrets
  • False Guardian
  • Holding On
  • Pacifist
  • Deep Below

  • Acceptance is the second boss of Ticking Tower Top Fought right after defeating Enigma, and the final boss of a run if the player does not have the Old Photo to progress to the Last Refuge.

    Acceptance can only drop Acceptance's Memento if no damage was taken while fighting Enigma.


    Acceptance periodically uses one of these attacks:

    • Spawns 2 Orbiting Gemini Sawblades and fires two rings of slow moving bullets which travel across the whole room.
    • Throws two Libra Scythes towards player, which halt in place for a moment to fire 8 bullets Diagonally and Cardinally with a short range. Afterwards, the Scythes fly back to where Acceptance threw them from at a high speed.
    • Teleports and fires two sets of 5 bullets in the player's direction with the Soul Gun. After doing this twice in a row, Acceptance then uses one of these 3 attacks:
      • A Charged shot in the player's direction, which splits into multiple other bullets on impact with anything.
      • Swings the Virgo Staff, shooting 6 Slow moving, bouncing bullets in the player's direction.
      • Charges the Sagittarius bow for a few seconds, and then fires a Laser beam at the player.
    • Throws Cancer Bombs which explode into 8 bullets diagonally and cardinally in one of these two formations:
      • 10 Cancer bombs in random directions, which can be predicted by Acceptance's shadow getting larger and moving in the direction it's about to throw.
      • 8 Cancer bombs. One in the middle, two to the left and right of the middle bomb, and the last two at the edges of the room, and then back in reverse to the middle for the last 3 bombs.
    • (insert info on the aquarius spear attack. im tired, im doing this later)

    Journal Entry

    "Acceptance is the purveyor of Painful Truths, only the strongest among us can stare into the face of our own failures and not get crushed under the weight."


    • Acceptance does not use Leo's Sword, Scorpio Hook, Capricorn Shield, Pisces Rod or Aries Wand.
      • Although, one could make the argument that Acceptance does use the Aries Wand while as Enigma.
    • Acceptance has unique dialog after the fight on shard 5 if you haven't unlocked the Old Photo