Celestial Weapons

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Celestial Weapons are a unique type of item that spawns in Observatory Rooms.

Celestial weapons are artifacts that correspond to one sign of the zodiac each, often referencing its roles or association in both its usage and its name. They charge up from hitting enemies. The speed at which they charge is also decreased by the Stagnation curse.

List of Celestial Weapons and their usage:

Leo: A sword that charges extremely fast and slashes out, dealing fairly high damage for its usage and blocking all bullets it comes into contact with, extinguishing them. Its effect on laser-type attacks has been unproven.

Saggitarius: A bow that, when held, charges up and either shoots a volley of arrows spread out over a general region or shoots three tightly compressed laser beams depending on whether or not it was charged for long enough. Does massive damage and pierces through enemies.

Virgo: A staff with the ability to shoot two bouncing bees that slowly ricochet across the room and die after a while. Deals bullet damage and has a slow charging speed. Using it again does not extinguish the bees that are already active.

Libra: A scythe blessed with the capability to shoot a spinning scythe that deals large amounts of damage spread over contact with the enemy in small individual bursts over time. Each enemy hit by the scythe creates a soul. Charges slowly and hovers slightly when used, slowing time until fired.

Gemini: A pair of buzzsaws that spins around the player and encircles them, dealing damage by rapidly hitting the opponent with weak damage upon contact. Does not block projectiles.

Capricorn: A shield that envelops the player and may be held to reflect projectiles temporarily, with some slight start-up delay and animation that activates faster than what the starting animation may suggest. It also gives immunity to touch damage while active. Can only be activated once the moderately-fast charge bar is filled up.

Scorpio: A grappling hook that charges up extremely quickly. It will shoot in the area pointed at and latch on to the wall, dragging Revita Kid to it and granting them invincibility while doing so.

Aquarius: A few spears that shoot up from the ground, moving outwards, from both sides of the player. The spears can only spawn on the ground, so if the player is in the air the spears will be below them. Each spear deals a normal bullet damage.

Taurus: A pair of boots that send you downwards and pushing down enemies you hit on your way down too. The enemies only get dealt damage when coming in contact with the ground under the boot. Damage scales based on how long it takes to get to the ground - the longer the more damage. The player is invincible while falling, and for a considerable amount of time afterwards.

Aries: On use, slows down time. pressing use again will instantly cancel the slow down effect.

Cancer: A grenade, that can be thrown to damage, and debuff enemies hit. Its element cycles between fire, ice and electricity, determining the debuff inflicted.

Pisces: A fishing rod allowing the player to fish at sparkling spots, that have a chance of appearing in enemy rooms while the weapon is held. After a successful catch, the player is given a pickup or rarely a relic.