Revita Kid

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Idle stance of Revita Kid

Revita Kid is the current partially official name of the player character in the game Revita.

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Revita Kid's backstory is unknown. Currently, they start the game by exiting the metro and entering The Clocktower, where the game takes place. Revita Kid seems to suffer from amnesia, having little to no memory as to why they're at The Clocktower.

Revita Kid is shown staring at The Clocktower on the main menu, which is also shown to have The Metro leading into it.

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Revita Kid has the ability to both collect and sacrifice the souls of enemies. By sacrificing these souls through a process called focusing, they are capable of healing half a heart. The main method of attacking is through a soul gun that floats around them, the knockback of which can also be used to propel the player into the air, allowing for super high jumping. Aside from horizontal movement, Revita Kid can also jump, wall jump, edge grab, and slightly crouch. They are also able to dash, which makes them temporarily immune to damage. It is also possible to increase their falling speed by pressing down in the air; this will also make them fall through semisolid platforms.


Revita Kid does not talk (or at least, is not seen conversing), hence little is known about their personality. However, NPCs do discuss their personality and traits on occasion.

One of their most notable characteristics is their tenacity and resolve to continue climbing the tower. Enigma says that they "are cut from stubborn cloth" and they "set their minds to a task..." The Soul Gun is described as "a manifestation of your will to carry on." The Caretaker often brings up just how stubborn Revita Kid is.

It is also both stated and seen that Revita Kid has somewhat of a melancholic demeanor. In two parts of the game, they are seen crying, and The Fool notes: "Why the long face? You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders," and asks to cheer them up.

Despite this stubbornness, Revita Kid is struggling with climbing the tower over and over again, not physically, but emotionally, as pointed out by Enigma. The caretaker states that "I know it hurts...but you've made it this far." The Priestess will also comment "Sometimes, I see so much pain on your face, little one..."

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  • The current in-game sprites are at least Revita Kid's third design iteration.
  • Revita Kid is non-binary.
  • Revita Kid is not given a name, but both the community and the dev refer to them as "Revita kid" and it's been stated by the dev that this is the official name.
    • They were also referred to as "Lost Child" by Makeshift for the plushie