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Shrines are a type of interactable object in Revita. There are 12 different types of shrines. They can show up in any enemy room in any area.

ButtonObject.png Shrine List

Type Icon Effect
Shrine of Greed Spr shrine 0 0.png The next shop entered is cheaper and has an extra item pedestal
Shrine of Defense Spr shrine 0 1.png Drops a shield onto the ground
Shrine of Chaos Spr shrine 0 2.png Removes one of your current relics and grants you a random relic (grants you a relic if you do not have any)
Shrine of Growth Spr shrine 0 3.png Grants a small stat-up
Shrine of Longevity Spr shrine 0 4.png The room count of the next area is lengthened
Shrine of Swiftness Spr shrine 0 5.png The room count of the next area is shortened
Shrine of Rage Spr shrine 0 6.png Grants a large but temporary damage-up
Shrine of Generosity Spr shrine 0 7.png Drops a random common relic onto the ground
Shrine of Spirituality Spr shrine 0 8.png Enemies release double the amount of souls for a short amount of time
Shrine of Potential Spr shrine 0 9.png Drops a relic hammer onto the ground
Shrine of Harvest Spr shrine 0 10.png Drops a random food pickup onto the ground
Shrine of Moonlight Spr shrine 0 11.png Guarantees an observatory next area