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96 spr pickup shield 0.png

Shields are used to buff the player in Revita and give them a "temporary hitpoint" this hitpoint can be used to Take up to 2 hits, but cannot be healed or used in place of HP in any of the following:

  • Statue sacrifices
  • Priestess curse removal
  • Metro Smith upgrades
  • Metro Merchant purchases
  • Merchant and Cursed merchant purchases
  • Shrines
  • Key piece 1 requirements

Shields can be obtained like other pickups; bought from the Merchant for half a heart, looted from small chests, dropped from bosses, or picked up after a room is cleared of enemies. Double shields Spr pickup double shield 0.gif rare pickups that are obtained the same way and give the player two shields instead of one.

Spr curse icons 26.png Trivia

  • Shields can be bought from the merchant for half a heart, but protect from a full hit.
  • 2 Shields are required in order to use the statues to get into the Calm Caladium.
  • Shields are required in order to satisfy the "No Max HP" requirement of Key piece 2