Sacrifice Room

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The Sacrifice Room is a room that the player can find while on a run in Revita. This room is always the fifth room of each area the player encounters. The player can sacrifice their hearts to the goddess statue in the middle of the room. The statue has soul torches on both sides, if purchased through the Tinkerer.

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If the player chooses to sacrifice a heart, a relic is spawned in return. The player may sacrifice anything between one heart and their maximum number of hearts, just as long as it doesn't kill them. The player is capable of seeing what relic they will receive with their donated hearts, along with what rarity scale they will be on.

If the player has skipped previous goddess statues by not taking a relic, and has at least 3 curses, the goddess statue will be replaced by a devil shrine, where instead of sacrificing hearts, they take curses. 1 curse gives a common relic, 2 a rare, and 3 a legendary.  

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  • The statue can give a relic of any tier, even if the player only sacrifices a single heart. However, there is a rarity meter that, increases every time a player donates a combined total of 3 hearts, increasing incrementally by 3. This will increase the chance of finding relics of higher rarity in the same run.