Secret Room

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The Secret Room is a room that the player has a chance to find while on a run in Revita. They are rooms that are hidden in the walls of the level. There is always one secret room, and one super secret room in an area. They can be found by shooting walls and looking for a distinct white flash or watching the bullet animation, On normal walls the bullet explodes in the wall, On secret walls the bullet explodes just as it touches it(Rocket launchers play the enemy hit sound 5 times fast), listening for different music when getting close, or getting the Flashlight to make the entrance constantly flash. In the case of super secret rooms, the walls do not flash when shot and the bullet animation is the same as ordinary secret walls, and the music does not change either. Secret rooms make a different noise when shot compared to normal walls and floors. Secret rooms also cannot spawn in rooms with a door.

A room must have an enemy alive in it in order to originally find a secret room. Once you have shot a secret wall once, you are free to clear out the room and destroy the wall after the room is empty. This wall will not break until every enemy is dead, but if you neglect to shoot any walls while enemies are alive you are unable to find a secret room.

Shooting the wall enough times, after the room has been cleared will open a path to the secret room. Inside the room, it is very common to find a pickup of any rarity, but it is also possible to find a small chest. There is also a very small chance to find a large chest inside a super secret room.

Unique Secret Rooms

Eye Room (Fungated Funnels)

In one of the secret rooms in Fungated Funnels there is a mysterious eye in the background with five slots above it. Winning runs on specific shard numbers will make the slots light up one by one. First a run on shard 8 has to be won, then 3, 12, 3, and finally 8 again, this is hinted at by symbols under the eye. If the player successfully does this, and visits the room after winning the second shard 8 run, the text "They are always watching; Nothing escapes their gaze" will be visible under the eye. This seemingly only has lore implications.

Frog King (Fungated Funnels)

If you manage to not scare any frogs in the Fungated Funnels, in the final room before the boss, a pink frog will be found. The pink frog cannot be scared, and will be standing next to a super secret room wall. This secret room works like all the others, you have to hit it during combat and finish the room. Inside the secret room there's the frog king, two shield pickups (Or a Frog Key, if you have Royal Crown, and a unique music track playing. Getting into this secret room also unlocks the secret "Royalty".

Mirror Room (Arid Athenaeum)

There is a special secret room in Arid Athenaeum with a mirror inside it and nothing else. This room doesn't replace any of the area's secret rooms, all will appear. If you have obtained Reflection from the Forgotten Station, Standing in front of the Mirror will shatter it, giving you the Mirror Shard, used to progress the questline.