Large Chest Room

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Large Chest Room is a type of room that the player can find in Revita. Large chest rooms contain one of these types of chests: Green Chests, Blue Chests and rarely Red Chests or Curse Chests. Chests of higher rarity have a higher chance to appear the later on you are in the run. These rooms are guaranteed to appear at least one time per area, and are locked each and every time. Chests in the first area cost half a heart to open instead of one.


Mimics have a small chance to replace green, blue, and red chests. They can be identified by the fact, that they only start to move when the player gets close to them, while normal chests always do. Mimics will turn hostile if the player interacts with them, or shoots them, after this, the room cannot be left until the mimic has been killed. They drop a relic and soul when defeated. A certain curse increases the likelihood of a chest being a mimic.