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Description Your bullets explode, but reduces fire rate.
Rarity BRare
ID 43
Level 1 Fire Rate: -40%
Level 2 Fire Rate: -30%
Level 3 Fire Rate: -20%

Dynamite is a rare relic in Revita.

It can be upgraded and removed.

It causes attacks to explode on hit, dealing additional damage at the cost of fire rate. The explosions caused by Dynamite will deal damage to the player.

Weapon Interactions
  • Blast Gun (Constant)
    • The laser created by this weapon explodes after every hit, meaning that despite the fire rate decrease it is a significant DPS upgrade.
  • Machine Gun, Shotgun
    • Both of these weapons suffer heavily from fire rate decreases and have short range, meaning that unless you have a lot of extra fire rate and some form of explosion protection, this relic is essentially worthless.
  • Soul Gun (Celestial)
    • Do not take this relic with this weapon unless you have explosion protection. The close-range playstyle of this weapon will get you killed in seconds from the explosion damage.
  • Sniper
    • Also needs a lot of fire rate to be worth it, but the high range compensates for this.
  • Sniper (Hunter)
    • Not sure it it explodes only on hit or after every bounce.

Relic Interactions