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Spr pl gun sniper 0 0.png

The Sniper is one of the 8 starting Weapons, and is the third gun available to be unlocked.

It has 3 variants. Itʻs gameplay revolves around shooting high damage and high range bullets less frequently.


Spr pl gun sniper 0 0.png

"long range gun with high damage, higher crit. rate and damage, but slightly lower fire rite,"

The third gun the dummy allows you to unlock.

Base Stats

Base damage: 16

Damage Multiplier: 20%

Speed Multiplier: +0%

Shot Speed Multiplier: +43%

Fire Rate Multiplier: -40%

Range Multiplier: +50%

Luck Multiplier: +0%

Accuracy: 0°

Relic Interactions
  • Lucky Emblem, Mighty Leek, Poker Chip, etc
    • Sniper naturally has higher crit damage, making crit chance important.
  • Leech
    • Leech is essentially a budget Lucky Emblem, however maintaining status effects with this weapon may be difficult due to its slow fire rate.
  • Burst Clip, Triple Shot, Dynamite, etc
    • Any relics that decrease fire rate should be avoided until you have enough fire rate to compensate. Sniper is already quite slow, so fire rate decreases hurt it a lot.
  • Golden Bullet, Panic Button, Soul Urn, etc
    • Consequently, Sniper also benefits more from having higher fire rate.
  • Idol of Fury, Mercenary's Mark, Scepter of Life, etc
    • Because of Sniper's long range, you are generally safer from regular enemies, making these relics' potent effects easier to maintain. Beware of the Bloodlust curse though, as your DPS can be quite low with this weapon.
  • Eaglebeak
    • Effectively doubles your damage output for free.
  • Cell Clump
    • Because of the weapon's long range, it's easier to take advantage of the effect.
  • Dust Bunny
    • Opposite of the relic mentioned above. It's not terrible (that much damage is always great), but it can be detrimental due to this weapon's playstyle.
  • Stapler, Stinger
    • Makes it much easier to clear out multiple enemies which can be a hassle due to the slow fire rate.


Spr pl gun sniper hunter 0 0.png

"a sniper variant that lets you deal crits buy hitting enemies via ricochet bullets"

Unlocked by beating shard 5 with any sniper variant.

Base Stats

Base damage: 16

Damage Multiplier: +0%

Speed Multiplier: +0%

Shot Speed Multiplier: +30%

Fire Rate Multiplier: -40%

Range Multiplier: +50%

Luck Multiplier: +0%

Accuracy: +0°

Relic Interactions
  • Most interactions from Base still apply.
  • Lucky Emblem, Mighty Leek, Poker Chip, Leech, etc
    • You have the ability to guarantee crits on bankshots, so these relics are borderline useless.
  • Forgotten Keepsake, Frying Pan, Matchbox, etc
    • For the same reason, on-crit relics like these are now more effective.
  • Slimeball
    • somewhat useful, adds an extra bounce and increases range. The crit effect applies to both the first and second bounces, essentially extending the native capabilities of this weapon


Spr pl gun sniper reload 0 0.png

"a sniper variant , that lets shoot [sic] as long as you have ammo, but needs to reload afterwords"

Unlocked by beating shard 10 with any sniper variant.

Base Stats

Base damage: 15

Damage Multiplier: +10%

Speed Multiplier: +0%

Shot Speed Multiplier: +43%

Fire Rate Multiplier: -30%

Range Multiplier: +50%

Luck Multiplier: +0%

Accuracy: +0°

Notes & Abilities

Reload can only fire 3 bullets before having to reload, tallied above revita kid's head.

the gun can be reloaded by pressing the ability key, which will bring up a progress bar and a slider above revita kid's head if the player clicks at the right time (signified by the slider crossing a dot on the bar) the remainder of the reloading period will be skipped and the first shot will be guaranteed to crit

Relic Interactions
  • Triple Shot, Eaeglebeak, Firecracker, etc
    • Relics that make you fire more shots do not function, however relics that spawn additional bullets such as Sparkler should still work.
  • Dynamo, Rain Boots, etc
    • The bullets fired from walking, dashing, etc do not consume ammo so these relics are the same as usual.
  • Golden Bullet, Moon Blossom, Panic Button, etc
    • The increased fire rate affects both your reloading time and actual rate of fire, making it more valuable.
  • Burst Clip
    • Very helpful in a roundabout way as it makes you use all 3 shots incredibly fast, and your reloading afterwards is manually controlled, eliminating the normal downside of slower fire rate.
  • Continuator
    • Extremely useful due to each laser only being counted as one bullet, and can be held for an entire room, effectively allowing you to achieve 100% crit rate if you use your guaranteed crit shot.