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Spr weapon gun 0.png

The Shotgun is one of the 8 starting Weapons, a powerful multi-shot gun that excels at close range. The Shotgun has 3 variants, all of which reward the player for getting up close and personal, leading to bold and risky runs!

Base Shotgun

"Slow shooting gun, but each shot carries a lot of impact"

Base Stats

Base damage: 10

Damage Multiplier: +0%

Speed Multiplier: +0%

Shot Speed Multiplier: +20%

Fire Rate Multiplier: -20%

Range Multiplier: -15%

Luck Multiplier: +0%

Accuracy: +0°


Since the Shotgun has very low range and awful precision between the three shots, you'll need to get up close for maximum potential! Staying near enemies is dangerous, but remember that it is okay to back up if needed, and make sure you're using your dash well. Trying to increase your range to be more like the other guns is a fruitless task, investing resources into doing so will leave your run staggered. Focus on defense, close combat, and movement instead!

Beneficial Relics
  • Damage dealing orbitals mix very well with the Shotgun, as you'll be spending quite a lot of time in the orbital range. Remember that the damage orbitals deal scales with your damage stat!
  • Tesla Coil is a great grab for the Shotgun! Not only are the shots between clicks linked up, the the shots from the same click are linked up as well.
  • Portal's effect allows you to entirely circumvent the low range on the Shotgun, with a very handy disjoint on the point where your bullets come from. Almost always worth collecting!
  • Dust Bunny is great for close combat!

Detrimental Relics

  • While not strictly harmful to the run, relics like Scope, Book of Ammunition, and Coffee to Go which increase your Range are not particularly useful, and should be avoided. Trying to build up to a standard range amount takes some investment, and you're far better off working on something else.
  • Cell Clump and Raincloud do not mesh well with the Shotgun, because the combination of high shot speed and low range leaves for a very short lifespan on bullets.
  • Dynamite and Sticky Bomb are especially dangerous, as the explosions can hurt you! Since you're very often very close to enemies, you might be hitting yourself with them far too often. Be careful!
  • Black Hole is particularly harmful on shotgun due to the high base shot speed of the weapon.


Spr pl gun shotgun cluster 0 0.png

"A gun variant, that shoots a cluster of bullets"

Unlocked by beating shard 5 with the Shotgun variant.

Base Stats

Base damage: 6-8

Damage Multiplier: +0%

Speed Multiplier: +0%

Shot Speed Multiplier: +20%

Fire Rate Multiplier: -20%

Range Multiplier: -15%

Luck Multiplier: +0%

Accuracy: +0°

Relic Interactions
  • This is where the relics will be listed when I get around to adding them


Spr pl gun shotgun death 0 0.png

"A weaker gun variant, that can grow stronger and increase soul gain by feeding it HP"

Unlocked by beating shard 10 with any soul gun variant.

Base Stats

Base damage: 5

Damage Multiplier: +0%

Speed Multiplier: +0%

Shot Speed Multiplier: -20%

Fire Rate Multiplier: -20%

Range Multiplier: -+0%

Luck Multiplier: +0%

Accuracy: +0°

Beneficial Relics
  • Cookie Jar is a phenomenal relic to have, as it allows you to have uptime on the green shots a lot more often. Having some extra soul bars will go a long way too!