Machine Gun

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Spr pl gun rifle 0 0.png

The machine gun is one of the 8 starting Weapons, and is the very first gun available to be unlocked.

It has 3 variants. Its overall theme is high rate of shooting out bullets with low damage to compensate.


Spr pl gun rifle 0 0.png

"A fast firing gun with low accuracy and low damage"

The first gun the dummy allows you to unlock.

Base Stats

Base damage: 8

Damage Multiplier: -35%

Speed Multiplier: +0%

Shot Speed Multiplier: +0%

Fire Rate Multiplier: +0%

Range Multiplier: +0%

Luck Multiplier: +0%

Accuracy: +20°

Relic Interactions
  • Moon Blossom, Golden Bullet, Cute Doll
    • Machine gun functions by making fire rate upgrades more effective, meaning any sort of fire rate increase will do more for the rate you shoot on this gun.
  • Old Mixer, Lazy Eye
    • While the fire rate/damage upgrades of these are quite nice, they also have accuracy debuffs which lead to them being very situational relics on machine gun.
  • Laserpointer, Panic Button
    • The extra accuracy makes this weapon a lot more effective from a distance and thus much safer to use. Panic Button also gives fire rate which compensates for the damage it takes away.


Spr pl gun rifle burst 0 0.png

"A machine gun variant, that shoots quickly in bursts"

Unlocked by beating shard 5 with any machine gun variant.

Base Stats

Base damage: 8

Damage Multiplier: -20%

Speed Multiplier: +0%

Shot Speed Multiplier: +0%

Fire Rate Multiplier: -40%

Range Multiplier: +0%

Luck Multiplier: +0%

Accuracy: +15°

Relic Interactions
  • Burst Clip
    • Adds 2 extra bullets to your burst.
  • Continuator
    • Each part of the burst fires one laser, so this relic is four times as effective as normal. Keep in mind accuracy affects this quite a lot.


Spr pl gun rifle clip 0 0.png

"A slower machine gun variant, that has the ability to gain very high firerate after defeating some enemies"

Unlocked by beating shard 10 with any machine gun variant.

Base Stats

Base damage: 8

Damage Multiplier: -35%

Speed Multiplier: +0%

Shot Speed Multiplier: +0%

Fire Rate Multiplier: +0%

Range Multiplier: +0%

Luck Multiplier: +0%

Accuracy: +20°

Relic Interactions

No real notable interactions that don't apply to Base.