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Health 1300
Found In Gazing Grove
Title All Seing Guardian of Ignorance
Memento Denial's Memento
Relevant Secrets
  • Nearsighted
  • False Guardian
  • Holding On
  • Pacifist

Denial, also known as the All Seeing Guardian of Ignorance, is the first boss encountered in a run of Revita. It resides in the Gazing Grove.

Spr curse icons 2.png Behavior

Due to it being suspended from the cable, it can move only when close to the top of arena, or off-screen. In both instances, a red vertical ray will be visible, marking its possible way descending down. When near ceiling, it goes either to the middle, or left/right side of the arena and lowers itself to the near-ground level. Denial has four attacks:

  • When lowered, it shoots in all directions twice, which is telegraphed by all of its screens glowing red, with the middle one turning into a sphere.
  • When lowered, it shoots in both directions, which is telegraphed by all of its screens blinking red.
  • When lowered, it shoots in the player's direction, which is telegraphed by the side of the screen closer to the player blinking red.
  • When at the top, or off-screen, it tries to follow the player. After some time, it slams down, and shoots two bullets affected by gravity, in both directions. While doing this, its screens turn red.

Second phase

Its actions are generally faster, the most changes apply to the slam attack, Now it is possible for it to be done three times (the normal attack can still occur): first one on the either side of the arena, the second one on the opposite, and the last one follows the player. The third repeat also releases 3 bullets on both sides, instead of two.

Denial also gains a new attack, which happens quite rarely. When off-screen, the camera reveals the higher part of the arena, where the boss sits at the ceiling (on any side), its mask splits, revealing its eye, which fires at the player, with each shot firing further to one side. When killing the boss on this phase, the Nearsighted secret is unlocked, and thus the Eye of Denial.

ButtonLore.png Lore

Caretaker quote

"Have you faced Denial yet? Unfortunately, it is one of many monstosities waiting for you in the Tower. Watch for patterns. Maybe that will help."

Catalog quote

"Denial is the All-Seeing Guardian of Ignorance. It draws its strength from all the truths you refuse to see."

Spr curse icons 26.png Trivia

  • You can shoot the boss while it is offscreen.