Alpha 0.1.1

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Alpha 0.1.1 was introduced on November 28th, 2020. This update was pushed to fix bugs that were found the day before. A changelog from the developer can be found below.

- Removed Secrets that shouldn't be in the game yet.
- Removed Relics that shouldn't be in the game yet as they do not serve a purpose yet.
- Fixed Gun Boot Relic not triggering on a frameperfect press.
- Fixed Fake Bill Relic still taking hp from you on shop purchase.
- Fixed Restarting keeping some of your relics.
- Fixed Explosions opening secret rooms before all enemies are defeated.
- Fixed Tree being unlocked earlier than intended.
- Fixed Black Friday Secret triggering on hitting pause.
- Fixed Confusion curse not working as intended, and not showing the relic description once collected.
- Adjusted Prison Key spawnrate.
- Player now turns towards the cat when petting. VERY IMPORTANT.
- Minor text and spelling fixes.